Timeless mugs for the perfect cup of tea from Monoware
With many of us spending more time at home, daily habits like making a cup of tea have become more like rituals - perhaps a moment to escape, to regroup and to feel grounded, maybe even to recreate the experience of our favourite places we’re so eager to get back to.
As tea enthusiasts, we believe the quality of the tea is just the beginning and the teaware we choose to use can make a huge difference, not only to the flavour but to the experience as a whole. We were thrilled when local tableware brand Monoware reached out to us introducing us to their bestselling mugs - something that has already proved a hit with our customers.
We sat down with Monoware (sadly not over a real cup of tea this time) to find out more about who they are, and what makes their tableware stand out from the crowd.
How did it all begin?
Monoware was conceived as a response to our struggle to find well-designed tabletop essentials for the everyday. Overwhelmed by fleeting trends that compromise on quality and design can make it difficult to buy to last. We felt there is a gap to respond to a new generation of creative cooks and hosts who don’t feel the need to follow established table formalities, but at the same time value quality, timeless design and durability.
The concept developed in conversation with friends and family around the kitchen table about their take on eating, drinking and entertaining. We realised every drink and meal is an event. Whether a garden picnic with friends, a quiet tea break, or a family breakfast: they all bring nourishment while nurturing creativity and sustaining friendships. How do we honour these everyday occasions?
How do you describe Monoware?
If the table is the heart of the home then our plates, bowls, cups and jugs are the means around which stories are swapped, food is shared, lives play out. Our vision is that the pieces we craft will become fundamentals in the home; refined staples that can blend and grow with individual style and daily needs.
What makes this collection distinctive?
We took our time to get the details right. The forms have subtle complexities, for example, soft square profiles that merge into round. This detailing has enabled us to develop a contemporary language that is still rooted in familiar and archetypal forms that have withstood the test of time.
Whether it is the curve of the mug that moulds comfortably into the palm of the hand or the perfect pour on a water jug, we have carefully considered every detail and put it to test through many rounds of prototypes.
What’s your favourite product in your range?
The mug is our bestseller but the grain bowl is the most used dish in our home. There is something very comforting about eating from a deep bowl, which just perfectly fits into the palm of your hand. It works brilliantly for grains, pastas and broths; as a serving side dish; or on display piled up with fruits or vegetables. It is really an all-rounder.
What are your plans for Monoware for the future?
Carefully observing changing needs will directly influence how we expand our range of modern tableware staples with collaborators in different design disciplines. The past year has brought acute attention to our home environments and the daily objects we use. Pausing for a warming cup of tea or cooking-up something entirely new have taken on a new importance. We foresee a growing family of goods which perfectly complement each and embody our vision of a table set for life.
Why Good & Proper?
We are always on the lookout for delicious products, all the better, local ones. We first came across the Good & Proper van years ago at Brockley market. We were won over by your teas and have been drinking them ever since. When launching Monoware, we made a conscious decision to start by working with businesses we use ourselves. It's a natural fit and we get to meet the people behind the products we love.
What’s your favourite Good & Proper Tea?
Hands down the Brockley Breakfast tea, taken with a dash of milk and no sugar, but almost certainly a biscuit!
These beautiful ceramic mugs designed by our South East London neighbours are made in a family-run factory near Porto in Portugal. Meticulously designed, they fit comfortably in your hand like an earthen hot water bottle - perfect for your morning brew or matcha latte.
Monoware mugs are now available to purchase from our Teaware collection in both chalk and pebble. Don’t forget to tag us in your photos @goodandpropertea